
Use exercise and stretching as a way to relieve those painful or tight areas. Let our experienced Kinesiologist guide you through the steps needed to strengthen your body and prevent injury.

Kinesiology is the study of Movement

Kinesiologists take you through an in-depth movement screen and analysis to assess your movement patterns and find any deficiencies that need to be worked on and improved.

Take the Whole Body into Account

Our kinesiologist is experienced in coaching, nutrition and as a personal trainer

Life Long Care

Don’t worry about age, background, or current physical abilities, seeing a kinesiologist is beneficial no matter your starting point. Learn to move well, properly protected and with correct form.

Prehab is as important as rehab, prevent injuries knowing an ahead of time how to brace and safely move whether at home or in sport. Rehab after an injury, we all get injured but how we come back from it can vary greatly, rehab lets us activate those injured muscles and joints to promote healing in a safe way and get back stronger than before!

Whether you are looking to get active for the first time, rehab or trying to build performance in your sport, William is here to help you build a foundation that lasts